Hi there, I’m Sammi!

Currently pursuing my masters degree at the University of Toronto


I am relentlessly committed to embarking on an ever-evolving journey of discovery, with a particular focus on the dynamic realms of UX/UI design.

Design (UX/UI)
To create user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces for websites, mobile apps, and other digital products.
Machine Learning
To analyze and learn patterns from vast amounts of data, and make predictions and recommendations based on that data.
To solve complex problems in various industries using statistical modelling and data analysis.


You may find this section the most captivating! Feel free to indulge in exploring some of my latest projects, and don’t hesitate to return later for more excitement! 😄

For tickets
Ontario Wildlife Animal Rescue

Let’s Connect ❤️

Whether it’s for work collaborations or even just a casual chat, don’t hesitate to take the first step and reach out to me via email or any of my social media profiles. I’m always eager to connect and engage with fellow enthusiasts in the field!

Copyright © 2023 Sammi